Mission 6: October 22, 1944 / Münster


Mission  # crew Gaik     Datum  Mission # 390th BG   Aircraft serial #      Target

6 22 oktober 1944 208 # 239926 Münster, Duitsland: Rangeerterrein


De belangrijke spoorlijn in Münster was alweer volledig operationeel na de aanval door de Third Division Forces op 5 oktober.

In totaal 352 vliegtuigen, waarvan 21 van de 390th Bombardment Group, vielen aan met behulp van Pathfinder. Bewolking was normaal, resultaten werden niet waargenomen.

Tonnage bommen   80 x 500 pond brandbommen280 x 250 pond voor algemeen gebruik
Crews Missing in Action 0

Naam Fat Positie
Gaik, Leonard J Pilot
Carroll, James D Co-Pilot
Flanigan, Harold C Navigator
Cohen, Joseph nmi Bombardier/Togglier
Eckerle, William C Engineer/Top Turret
Sewell, John E Radio Operator
Hoffstetter, William V Ball Turret
Prangl, Louis S Waist Gunner
Glaman, Robert F Tail Gunner


Dagboek Prangl:

“Briefing was om acht. Iets later dan de anderen. Ons doelwit was Münster, Duitsland. Wij waren alweer  “tail-end Charlie” (laatste groep) op 25.000 voet. De temperatuur was 37 graden onder nul. We landden niet voor vier uur in de namiddag. Het was een makkie, ‘milkrun’. “


Mission  # crew Gaik     Date   Mission # 390th BG   Aircraft serial #     Target

6 22 October 1944 208 # 239926 Münster, Germany: Marshalling yard


The important rail yard at Münster was again in full operation following an attack by Third Division forces on 5 October.

A total of 352 planes attacked on pathfinder, with the 390th dispatching 21 planes. With the usual cloud conditions, results were unobserved.

Bomb Tonnage dropped   80 x 500 pound Incendiaries280 x 250 pound General Purpose
Crews Missing in Action 0

name Fat Position Description
Gaik, Leonard J Pilot
Carroll, James D Co-Pilot
Flanigan, Harold C Navigator
Cohen, Joseph nmi Bombardier/Togglier
Eckerle, William C Engineer/Top Turret
Sewell, John E Radio Operator
Hoffstetter, William V Ball Turret
Prangl, Louis S Waist Gunner
Glaman, Robert F Tail Gunner

Journal Prangl:

“Briefing was at eight. A little later than the others. Our target was Münster, Germany. We were tail-end Charlie again at 25.000 feet. The temperature was 37 degrees. We didn’t land till around four in the afternoon. It was a mild-run.”